RSA textbook signature creation and verification.
Task for the Student Alice is to generate RSA system parameters and send generated Public Key to the Mentor. Student must write down message containing current day and time in the format DDhhmm sign it by RSA textbook signature and send DDhhmm together with signature to the Mentor Bob.
After Student receives Mentor’s Public Key and signature on unknown message, he must verify this signature and recover the message. He must send recovered message to the Mentor.
Parameter values sent by Alice are included in brackets [ ] and must be entered in the corresponding input fields.
The following functions are used in the protocol:
>> genprime(14)
>> gcd(a,b)
>> mod(a,n)
>> eeuklid(e,ϕ)
>> genprime(14)
Send numbers [p, q] for verification to the Mentor
Send [ϕ] for verification to the Mentor
>> eeuklid(e,ϕ)
Send [d] for verification to the Mentor.