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Mulinv function
This protocol is executed between the Student Alice (you) and Mentor Bob. Mentor asks you to compute inverse number d to the number e=2^16+1=65537 modulo n.
Parameter values sent by Alice are included in brackets [ ] and must be entered in the corresponding input fields.
The following functions are used in the protocol:
>> randi(2^28)
>> mulinv(e,n)
1. Generate module n of no more than 28 bits length using Octave function >>randi(2^28) and compute prime number e=2^16+1.
Send [n] to the Mentor.
2. Ok, compute multiplicative inverse number d to number e using the following expression >>d=mulinv(e,n) such that d*e=1 mod n. Verify your answer by computing >>mod(d*e) with ans=1 and send [d] to the Mentor.
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